
University of Tizi Ouzou


Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou was established in 1977 as the Centre Universitaire de Tizi-Ouzou with fewer than 500 students. It achieved university status in 1989

Today it is a significant center for Amazigh (also known as Berber) studies, with 1200 students annually registering to study the language, more than enrolling to take Arabic, English, or French.

The university is spread across five campuses – Hasnaoua I and II, Boukhalfa, Exhabitat, and Tamda. There are plans for further expansion on the Tamda campus, which opened in 2013.

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Program Offered

Engineering and Technology


Life sciences

Business and Economics

Clinical, Pre-clinical and health

Arts and humanities

Social sciences


Computer science



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